Section 17A MACC Act 2009: Ignorance of the Law is Not an Excuse

he British Malaysian Chamber of Commerce (BMCC) and Japanese Chamber of Trade & Industry, Malaysia (JACTIM) have recently co-organised a talk titled “Section 17A MACC Act 2009: Ignorance of the law is not an excuse” in partnership with Anti-Bribery Anti-Corruption (ABAC) Center of Excellence Sdn Bhd.
During the talk, Suhaimi Saad, Certified Lead Auditor and Training Specialist of ABAC, shared that it was “not business as usual” with the enforcement since 1 June 2020 of the corporate liability provision involving commercial organisations under Section 17A of the MACC Act 2009.
With the provision under the Act, a commercial organisation is liable to punishment if any of its employees and/or associates commit corruption for the benefit of the organisation. The commercial organisation is also considered guilty, whether or not, the upper management or its representatives know about the corruption acts committed by its employees of associates.
We would like to thank JACTIM and ABAC for collaborating with BMCC to organise this informative session. Thanks to everyone who participated in the talk and lets practise zero tolerance on bribery and corruption.