New Year’s Drinks 2023

We had a spectacular night with our members and friends during our 2023 New Year’s Drinks on 17th January. BMCC’s Chairman, Mark Arthun, gave the evening’s opening address, expressing the Chamber’s aspirations for the coming year and emphasising the value of collaboration between the BMCC and its members. Guests were also invited to save the date for our next mega event, the Business Excellence Awards and 60th Anniversary Gala Dinner.
Datuk Yuslina Yunus, the Executive Vice President of SP Setia, our venue sponsor, gave our guests a warm welcome address.
The BMCC would like to express our gratitude to the SP Setia team for their hospitality and support in hosting our New Year’s Drink 2023 at the lovely Setia International Centre in KL Eco City.
The presence of HE Charles Hay MVO, the British High Commissioner to Malaysia, added to the event’s splendour. His Excellency who gave the toast for the evening was joined happily by our guests, to cheer to a successful 2023.
We hope that all your new year’s goals will be achieved and that 2023 will bring everyone much joy and success.
We would like to thank all our guests for joining us to ring in the New Year with the Chamber and spending the evening networking with fellow members.