The Evolution of Digital Healthcare in Current Times and Its Potential

The effects of the pandemic have significantly impacted the world’s economic and healthcare systems, and importantly, our view of healthcare and safety. The pandemic can be seen as a catalyst for the adoption of digital healthcare, as more people are driven to think about the accessibility and convenience of healthcare facilities and resources as well as preparedness for medical emergencies. In the current climate, the potential for digital healthcare looks massive.

Join our panel of experts from the healthcare industry to gain insights on:

  • Digital healthcare landscape and potential in Malaysia.
  • Benefits and barriers to accelerating digital healthcare in Malaysia.
  • Collaboration needs and opportunities between different stakeholders in the healthcare eco-system – government, technology firms, medical practitioners and current facilities to drive digital healthcare.
  • Readiness of Malaysians for digital healthcare and how to tackle concerns such as data privacy and security to preserve patients’ trust.
  • How the experience of using MySejahtera and the discussion on vaccine passports have changed users’ perspectives of digital healthcare today.

Our esteemed speakers:

  • Professor Dr. Wong Chee Piau, President, Digital Health Malaysia
  • Dr. Sanjeev Panchal, Country President, AstraZeneca Malaysia
  • Dr. Raymond Choy, Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Doc2Us

The event is finished.


Aug 19 2021


3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

More Info

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