INNOVATE HER: Championing, Inspiring, Bridging the Gap in STEM Professionals

Did you know that the majority of STEM graduates from Malaysian Universities are women? Yet, only 25% of them make up the professional STEM workforce.

Why the gap? How can we inspire and empower women to lead and excel in STEM fields?

In conjunction with International Women’s Day, join us for an inspiring session featuring three remarkable women leaders in STEM. Hear their journeys, the challenges they faced and the driving forces behind their success.

Let’s come together to uncover solutions, ignite motivation and celebrate the power of women in STEM

Target Audience: UK University Alumni Network, Young Professionals and Mid-Management Individuals of BMCC Member Companies



Event Programme

5:30pm  Registration
6:00pm  Welcome Remarks
6:05pm   Icebreaker Session
6:15pm  Sharing Session 

  • Panellists: 
    • Natasha Zulkifli, Director, YTL Construction / Founder Director, Women in Rail Malaysia 
    • Prof. Dr Woo Yin Ling (MB BCh BAO, FRCOG, MA, PhD), Consultant Gynaecological Oncologist, Universiti Malaya Medical Centre
    • Koh Lee Ching, Chief Executive Officer, CALMS Technologies 
  • Moderator: 
    • Prof. Dr Mushtak Al-Atabi, Chief Executive Officer & Provost, Heriot-Watt University Malaysia

Q&A Session  

7:00pm  Closing Remarks
7:05pm  Group Photo Session
7:10pm  Networking Session




Meet our Speakers

Natasha Zulkifli is Director (Stakeholder & Business Development) for YTL Construction. Natasha oversees Business Development and is involved in building a 192km rail line from Gemas to Johor Bahru. She also leads the running of the YTL Learning Academy and is heavily involved in driving transformation, culture change and championing D&I related issues.

Given her deep interest to strengthen human capital development in the Malaysian rail space, in 2017 Natasha founded Women in Rail Malaysia, a not-for-profit entity which was established to support and promote equality and diversity within the Malaysian rail industry. She is passionate about promoting STEM and the Malaysian rail space as a career of choice to young women studying in secondary school and in universities. To date, Women in Rail Malaysia has spoken to more than 11,000 students across Malaysia.

Natasha is a certified and accredited trainer, she regularly speaks at international conferences on public transport and leadership topics and occasionally, she publishes opinion pieces in The Edge relating to high speed rail.


Dr. Woo Yin Ling is a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at University of Malaya and a consultant gynaecological oncologist in University Malaya Medical Centre. Her postdoctoral research was on HPV immunobiology where she was conferred her PhD by Cambridge University. Yin Ling’s research focuses on screening, prevention and management of gynaecological cancers in the Malaysian setting. Prof. Woo believes that any innovation in healthcare services must take into account the local resources with input from the stakeholders, particularly the women themselves.  She is currently the country representative for the Asia-Oceania Research Organisation in Genital Infection and Neoplasia (AOGIN), member of the Asia Pacific Economic Consortium (APEC) Cervical Cancer and Commonwealth cervical cancer taskforce, board member of the International Papillomavirus Society (IPVS) and is the founding trustee to ROSE Foundation.




Koh Lee Ching is among the forerunner in the smart id solutions industry in Malaysia. She founded CALMS Technologies Sdn Bhd in 2002 and develop its main product that now becomes the core technology for smart card implementation. Today, CALMS empowers clients across various sectors to automate and improve their card issuance, usage and management processes while maximizing the return of investment of their smart id deployment. Having made a mark in the domestic market, Koh Lee Ching is now steering CALMS to the next level as a global player.




Meet our Moderator

Professor Mushtak Al-Atabi is currently the Provost and CEO at Heriot-Watt University, Malaysia.

His research interests include thermofluids, renewable energy, biomechanical engineering, engineering education, positive education and academic leadership.

Professor Al-Atabi published three books, “Shoot the Boss,” “Think Like an Engineer” and “Driving Performance” and he has numerous research publications, awards and honours. He delivered two TEDx Talks, “Engineering the Language of Success” and “Storytelling and Engineering a Lasting Change

He is a Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (FIMechE), a member of the Executive Board of Vice Chancellors’ Council for Private Universities Malaysia and a Director at the British Malaysia Chamber of Commerce.

Professor Al-Atabi is an innovative educator who believes that the main goal of education is to mobilise individual’s purpose into positive impact on the world. He pioneered Purpose-Led Education, CDIO (Conceive, Design, Implement, Operate) methodology and delivered the first MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) in Malaysia.

Professor Al-Atabi is highly sought after keynote speaker and trainer. He trains executives from Multinational Corporations including banks, energy companies as well as universities. His impact statement reads “I am a storyteller. My purpose is to inspire others to tell more empowering stories about themselves and the world we live in.”



The event is finished.


Feb 27 2025


6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

More Info

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The Majestic Hotel Kuala Lumpur