Informed Solutions | 6th GRCCS International Conference & Exhibition 2024 on Business Continuity Management
Our world is changing. Climate change is accelerating. Geo-political tensions are rising. Risks are increasing in magnitude and frequency. Organisational and societal resilience must stay ahead.
This flagship event, organised by Informed Solutions partner GRCCS and supported by The Business Continuity Institute UK (BCI) is designed for business continuity practitioners as well as risk managers and corporate leaders from around the world.
Informed Solutions will be keynoting on “Climate Change and Community Resilience: A Data and AI-Driven Approach”. Taking learnings from national scale data science-led programmes in environmental management and healthcare and health resilience, the key focus will be on how being data driven and making intelligent, ethical use of AI can help organisations stay ahead of these challenges and thrive sustainably long into the future.