Energy Outlook 2022 – Malaysia’s Energy Transition Outlook

The Oil & Gas and Energy sector has been and remains a major influencer in the global economy despite the global shift to achieving net zero carbon emission targets set by governments and corporations. The Oil & Gas and Energy sector recognises its role as a CO2 emitter and the impact this has on Climate Change and has embarked on a transition journey to a more sustainable and lower carbon economy – in line with global aspirations and commitments to ensure that the impacts from climate change can be mitigated.

Oil and gas producers have been intensifying efforts for greener and sustainable energy sources to reduce dependency on fossil fuels, and many have started talking about their aspirations to be net zero carbon – including Malaysia’s largest producer, PETRONAS. The Government has also recently released the Malaysia’s Renewable Energy Roadmap to outline the Government’s strategy to achieve its renewable energy targets – as part of the collective effort to meet its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) in achieving a 45% carbon intensity reduction by 2030.


This forum by the BMCC Energy Committee shall explore the very topic of energy transition, especially in Malaysia – as well as to look at the challenges and opportunities across the spectrum of the energy transition with experts from the government and private sectors.

Platform: Zoom

  • The Access Link will be emailed at least 24 hours before the commencement of the webinar. The Access Link is unique and should not be forwarded to or shared with others.

The event is finished.


Apr 12 2022


3:00 pm - 4:45 pm

More Info

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