The EIC Connect Energy South Korea will be held on the 8th October at the exclusive Four Season Hotel in the capital Seoul. It is an exclusive business matching conference for energy stakeholders to understand market outlook and opportunities in the South Korea oil and gas, power, nuclear decommissioning and renewable energy value chain and especially exchanging quality business contacts with fellow industry experts in the region.
Happening one whole day, the event commences with the opening ceremony launched by the British Ambassador to the Republic of South Korea and Energy Industries Council Chief Executive. Followed by the Panel Conference session which runs concurrently with the One-to-One Business Matching session led by top industry operators, EPC Contractors, Korean Energy Agency and KEPCO and many more.
The invited speaking companies are major Korean players presenting their supplier registration policies, future capital spend and ongoing maintenance requirements to small & medium sized businesses looking for new opportunities across the energy sector in South Korea. Delegates with the capacity to help these local Korean leading companies overcome current challenges in project development, help them extend the lifecycle of existing assets or simply offer innovative ways to drive down costs are invited to exhibit or attend.
Click here for booking details and latest updates on the Event programme: https://www.the-eic.com/EICConnect/EnergySouthKorea
Contact faazila.sadik@the-eic.com / +603 2725 3600 for inquiries

The event is finished.


Oct 08 2019


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