BMCC CEO Insights Series: Making Health a Priority

As we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare has transformed through greater partnerships and collaborations between the healthcare providers. Realigning health priorities at the policy level to enhance the healthcare system is instrumental in improving the health of a nation, a company and an individual. Join us for an insightful session on “Making Health a Priority” as our guest speaker shares his views on what actions need to be taken, from the perspectives of country, company and personal level.

  • Addressing an ageing population and the disease burden: What the healthcare system can do to prepare for this.
  • Workforce well-being in challenging times to retain resilience and corporate health.
  • Establishing healthy habits to optimise individual health capacity.

Platform: Zoom

  • The Access Link will be emailed at least 24 hours before the commencement of the webinar. The Access Link is unique and should not be forwarded to or shared with others.

The event is finished.


Apr 07 2022


3:30 am - 4:30 pm

More Info

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