Important notice:

  1. Only one (1) representative per member company can attend the AGM and is eligible to vote.
  2. In the event the Principal or Corporate Representative is unable to attend, the member company can appoint one proxy to attend and vote in his / her stead. A proxy may but need not be a member of the company. The Proxy Form downloadable below must be filled and returned to us no later than 48 hours before the start of the AGM.
  3. Members interested to run for Board elections can only be nominated by another member and may do so by filling and returning the Nomination Form downloadable below. As stated in the Nomination Form, all nominees must provide a personal statement and profile together with the completed form.
  4. No member shall be entitled to attend and vote at any general meeting unless all subscription fees presently payable to the Chamber has been paid.
  5. In compliance with the Government’s SOP to curb the spread of COVID-19 pandemic, we wish to inform that AGM 2021 will be conducted by way of Virtual Meeting and online remote voting using the Zoom platform. We call for your support to join us online and participate in the proceedings of the AGM.

Platform: Zoom

  • The Access Link will be emailed at least 24 hours before the commencement of the webinar. The Access Link is unique and should not be forwarded to or shared with others.

The event is finished.


Sep 23 2021


3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

More Info

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