Enhancing Business Integrity with CBI and BSI

A special talk & networking session was hosted by the BMCC with business integrity and compliance experts from the British Standards Institution Malaysia and the Coalition for Business Integrity; supported by the ASEAN CSR Network. Titled “Enhancing Business Integrity in Malaysia,” the half day event was divided into to speaking portions.
Mr. Azrul Azwar, the Compliance & Risk Manager from the British Standards Institution (BSI) Malaysia delivered a detailed brief on the newly launched ISO 37001, the anti-bribery management systems standard. According to BSI, the ISO 37001 provides a system for organizations to avoid the misappropriation of funds, whilst safeguarding projects from being undermined or not carried out with due diligence. Critically, ISO 37001 sets out how to maintain an effective anti-bribery system once it is in place, and reviewing and improving these safeguards periodically.
ISO 37001 serves to benefit senior leadership within an organisation who are responsible for compliance, legal and governance issues, as well as employees who work in risk and financial management. Human Resources managers and corporate secretaries are also cited as key beneficiaries of the security afforded by the standard.
Mr. Mark Chay, Executive Director for the Coalition for Business Integrity Berhad (CBI) then addressed on the overall theme of business integrity. He presented various initiatives to address the issue of deteriorating business integrities in Malaysia as well as the success stories from some of those who think outside the box and benefit from it.