Chamber News

Celebrating Unity through Traditions at Hari Raya Open Houses

The month of Aidilfitri has come and gone in a festive whirlwind of delicious food, good company, and engaging connection. After the long month of Ramadan, it was delightful to see and celebrate all our generous members and stakeholders to temper our existing connections and forge new ones. We are thankful to all for having the BMCC Team at your Hari Raya Open Houses!

Hari Raya Open Houses have always been a welcoming and joyous event for our diverse community to unite and engage in an exchange of culture, tradition, and knowledge. Brought together and enriched by delicious traditional food, these events were the perfect opportunity to foster stronger ties between British and Malaysian business communities.

We enjoyed sharing in this spirit of connection, festivity, and collaboration. We look forward to building upon the discussions we had at the Raya Open Houses and developing them towards fruition.