Breakfast Talk Series # 4

On the 20th of June, BMCC hosted their 4th Breakfast Talk Series, featuring two speakers: George Aveling, the CEO of TMI Consultancy Sdn. Bhd and Daniel Posavac, the CEO of Bonsey Design Jaden. George Aveling presented a new revolutionary app called Zappar and Daniel Posavac displayed a descriptive topic of Digital Branding. Agnes Elizabeth gave a welcoming speech and introduced our two speakers.
George Aveling presented first with an unexpected new application for everyone to use. He announced this app called Zappar. This app uses augmented reality to change perspectives of your camera view. This app reads a specific logo to enable the device to do its wizardry. By showing this, he set up a bunch of logos around the room including the one on his undershirt when he took out his office apparel. For an app with years of development, it is a feely downloadable app which attracts all ages and aimed at the younger audiences.
Daniel Posavac had informed us about Digital Branding of what it is and how it works. He mentioned the well-known brands of websites and reveals their popularity, how much they are used and how do digital brands develop to grow larger.