BMCC-TeAM’s TechGen with ServisHero & Uber

The BMCC in partnership with TeAM hosted TechGen, the first in a brand of new series of contemporary interactive talks and networking sessions aimed at the contemporary tech-generation. Held at The Co at The Row, and supported by Bell Pottinger, our pioneering TechGen witnessed the universal affirmation from all who participated that events such as this are the sort that BMCC members have been seeking. Divan Vasudevan of Uber Malaysia and Suresh Tan from ServisHero were the stars of the day as they enlightened and entertained the floor with facts, visuals, insights and stories to the rise of the start-up companies they have come to call their home. Followed by an intriguing Q&A and networking session with good coffee and canapés thrown in the mix, guests comprising of members and non-members alike lingered on to their hearts content, unwilling to leave their conversations and new-struck pleasantries. TechGen will be back!