BMCC – Key Risk Consulting Asia: Conducting Effective and Professional Internal Investigations

Companies are operating under increasing scrutiny of their stakeholders, including their own employees, as well as the government and the media. For a myriad of reasons such as audit requirements, suspected employee misconduct, employment issues, corporate governance, fraud or regulatory violations, internal investigations are becoming commonplace as the appropriate way for a company to respond.
A well-handled investigation can help provide clarity and guidance to nip the problem in the bud internally before it festers, thus maintaining the company’s credibility and preventing additional harm. Unfortunately, investigations in the real corporate world are riddled with potential legal and ethical pitfalls, and a badly conducted investigation or a failure to investigate could leave a company open to liability and reputation risk.
To help businesses navigate around potential hazards, the BMCC and Key Risk Consulting Asia have designed an informative webinar especially relevant to business owners and managers or anybody whose work requires them to establish employee standards of conduct, develop solid compliance policies, make decisions regarding wrongful conduct, investigate malicious behaviour, frame disciplinary charges, seek compensation for losses, ensure business continuity and protect the business image.
Join Robert Youill, Founder and Executive Director of Key Risk Consulting Asia Sdn Bhd and Key Risk Training Solutions Sdn Bhd and his team, who possess in-depth experience in conducting internal investigations within the corporate world as well as legal expertise, for an invaluable session which enables you to identify the ethical standards that must be addressed along with the respect for the law governing the investigation process.
Watch the webinar replay here:

Disclaimer: Some presentation content are restricted to webinar participants only.