BMCC & AMCHAM Speed Networking

The average person speaks around 150 words per minute. Given 90 seconds, how many could you manage? Over 50 attendees from the BMCC and AMCHAM gave it a shot on an evening where the name of the game was a need for speed. It was lively and boisterous throughout, even requiring moderator and BMCC Board Director Andrew Diamond calling for a quick minute to catch a breath, much to the relief of the participants.
Held at Tujo Bar-sserie and Grill, this represented the second year the BMCC and American Chamber of Commerce Malaysia (AMCHAM) have joined forces to bring together members from both sides for a purely social and networking event. Winding down from the whistle-stop pitching, our members recuperated themselves at the buffett counter amidst drinks and, well, more networking. At their own pace this time.