Banking & Finance, Member Sterling

HSBC Bank Malaysia Bhd

Banking & Finance

HSBC Bank Malaysia Bhd

HSBC Bank Malaysia Bhd is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the HSBC Group and one of the oldest foreign banks in the country. Leveraging on a wide global network and a local network of 40 branches nationwide, HSBC Bank Malaysia offers and extensive range of products and services for both personal and corporate customers. The Bank’s Takaful (Islamic insurance) products are developed by HSBC Amanah Takaful (M) Sdn Bhd, a sister company of HSBC Bank Malaysia. HSBC Bank Malaysia Bhd was the first locally incorporated foreign bank in Malaysia to be awarded a licence by Bank Negara Malaysia to set up an Islamic banking subsidiary. HSBC is strongly committed to performing its role as a responsible Malaysian corporate citizen through the promotion of environmental conservation, the advancement of education, the support for philanthropic causes, the preservation of culture and heritage in the country.