
Johnson Matthey Sdn Bhd


Johnson Matthey Sdn Bhd

Johnson Matthey is a global leader in sustainable technologies — many of the group’s products enhance the quality of life of millions through their beneficial impact on the environment, human health and wellbeing. Our planet is a multifaceted and fast-changing place. With a growing and ageing population and a clear shift towards urban living, governments and consumers are increasingly concerned about air quality and people’s health. And with supplies of natural resources under ever-increasing pressure, their sustainable use has never been higher on the agenda. Against this backdrop, organisations want to know how they can improve the efficiency, effectiveness and sustainable impact of their products and services, while also delivering the best business results. That’s where we come in. With our world-class science and technology, we’re tackling the world’s big challenges one product at a time.

Using what we know about chemistry and materials, we work collaboratively with our customers to develop tailored solutions to get the best possible outcomes for them.We also bring our manufacturing skills to navigate the challenges of scaling up from lab into commercial production. And because we know the pace of change never stops, we apply our science expertise to the next generation of products and services, preparing our customers for the challenges of tomorrow.